Workforce Innovation 2024

From Talent Gap to Success!

16 October 2024


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Workforce Innovation 2024 will take place digitally on Wednesday, October 16, titled “From Talent Gap to Success!”. With the signature and credibility of Smart Press, the conference will be an important opportunity to discover the innovations shaping the future of HR. Take advantage of this opportunity to get the tools you need to turn opportunities and challenges into a competitive advantage!

Bridging the Skills Gap: A Social Necessity!

In this era of rapid business transformation, organizations face a critical challenge: finding the skilled human resources needed to grow and thrive. Despite recent measures, investments and reforms, Greece has not yet fully responded to the need for digital skills training. In 2023, only 52.4% of the population had at least basic digital skills, lagging behind the EU average of 55.5%. The stagnation observed in recent years highlights the urgent need to enhance skills and prepare human resources for the demands of the modern economy. The development of a skilled human resource is critical to improving the country’s competitiveness and productivity!

Demand for ICT experts – and beyond!

The percentage of ICT specialists in Greece amounts to only 2.4% of total employment, which is far from the European Union average of 4.8%, despite the growing demand observed. This gap brings to the surface the need to strengthen the strategy and measures that will increase the percentage of ICT experts in the labor market, as well as to retain the best talent. At the same time, however, we must not forget the needs for skills in other areas, such as project management, data analysis and sales. After all, skill shortages touch every aspect of business transformation and must be addressed holistically. Attracting and developing talent in multiple sectors is critical to supporting Greek business and boosting innovation!

Flexibility and adaptability: The keys to success!

In an ever-changing world, flexibility and adaptability are critical factors for success. The conference will examine how innovation can help businesses and workers adapt to emerging new challenges and opportunities. Examples of successful innovation in education, work organization and the development of new business models will be presented. This includes, not only digital skills, but also the ability to adapt to new ways of working and collaborating. The ability of businesses to quickly adapt to change, and seize new opportunities, can be a decisive factor in their long-term success, making flexibility and adaptability essential skills for the future!

Education and Lifelong Learning: Strengthening Resilience!

Education and lifelong learning are the foundations for developing a resilient and flexible workforce. The conference will explore best practices and new initiatives that can enhance worker skills, helping them stay competitive and adapt to the rapidly changing demands of the labor market. Experts from education and every sector of industry will share their experiences and present successful examples of training programs “running” in their organizations. Continuous training and upskilling are critical factors in supporting professional development and economic resilience, enabling workers to adapt to new technologies and market developments!

Strategies for retaining talent

Retaining the best talent is critical to business success. During this conference, strategies and policies that can help businesses retain their skilled workers, will be analyzed. Factors influencing talent retention will be examined, such as organizational culture, growth opportunities and work-life balance. Enhancing employee trust and engagement through targeted practices can improve performance. At the same time, promoting a positive work environment and supporting professional development, can help retain talent and increase employee satisfaction!

Promotion of non-technical skills

In addition to hard skills, businesses need employees with strong non-technical skills (soft skills), such as leadership, communication and problem solving. The conference will present the best practices for developing these skills, which are critical to success in all areas of business transformation. Non-technical skills enhance collaboration, creativity and efficiency at work. Through examples and experiences from various industries, participants will learn how to integrate these skills into their professional lives and promote them for the success of their organizations. The development of a multidimensional human resource with strong soft skills can enhance innovation and competitiveness!

Developing skills in all areas!

The conference will highlight the need for skill development in all sectors of the economy, not just ICT and technology. From project management and data analysis to marketing and sales, strategies and programs will be presented that can help employees to acquire the necessary skills and succeed in their jobs – beyond IT. The interdisciplinary approach to education and training can lead to a more integrated and flexible workforce. After all, enhancing the ability of employees to adapt to different roles and develop new skills, is critical to supporting sustainable growth and innovation!

5 reasons to attend!

At Workforce Innovation 2024 you will gain valuable knowledge and tools that will help you meet the challenges of the modern era, discover new career opportunities and achieve your goals! Whether your focus is on skill development or talent management, the conference covers all critical topics:

Learn more and register with one move at!

Workforce Innovation 2024 will be a unique opportunity for those who want to learn about the latest trends and developments in the world of human resources and education, in the digital age!

Whether you are an education professional, or interested in the latest developments and trends in skill development, Workforce Innovation 2024 will be the ideal platform to be informed, inspired and networked!

Register Here

The conference’s target audience includes:

  • Managers and professionals in the field of education and training
  • Human resources (HR) managers and trainers
  • Business owners and managers of every industry
  • ICT specialists and digital professionals
  • Business and skill development consultants
  • Researchers and academics in the fields of work and education
  • Policy makers and government officials
  • Schools and educational institutions
  • Students of related disciplines
  • Legal and financial advisors
  • Anyone interested in developing their skills and prepare for a new career, or make a change in their current career!

The conference is organized by Smart Press
